2024 Course Schedule

This year we will be joined by Integrative Health & Life Coach, Yin Yoga Instructor, and long-time Coherent Breathing colleague Magen Banwart. Learn more about Magen here.

The Coherent Breathing Certification Program consists of 3 parts. They will be offered on a sequential basis. Certificates are provided for each Part completed. Presently, the first series of 2024 starts on August 10th, 2024. Classes are currently limited to 100 participants. We will continue assess course frequency and class size based on interest. 

A 2nd round of classes are planned for 4Q, 2024, dates to be announced.

Part I, August 10th, Noon, CST. (Each course is scheduled for 90 minutes, but additional time is allotted for discussion/Q&A.)

Part II, September 7th, Noon, CST. (Each course is scheduled for 90 minutes, but additional time is allotted for discussion/Q&A.)

Participants are required to purchase and study the course materials prior to participation, unless one already has the required materials. See course materials below. Parts I and II are spaced 1 month apart so participants can study, practice, and contemplate prior to participation. 

Coherent Breathing, Part I - Theory & Practice

Coherent Breathing, Part I, Theory & Practice, a 90 minute Zoom tutorial with group Q&A. [Prerequisites: The reading of The New Science Of Breath, 21 days of practice with RESPIRE-1 CD, Vocal Instructive Sequence & 21 days of practice with The Six Bridges CD, Introduction and Exercise.] The purpose of this is to familiarize students with the materials and methods prior to the course, making it more productive for all participants. A Certificate Of Completion will be provided to each participant at the end of Part I.

Individualized 75 minute “Follow Up” sessions are available upon request after completion of Part I. Please request a “Follow Up” by purchasing a session.  We will be back to you via email to discuss and arrange timing. Thank you.

Coherent Breathing, Part II, Coherent Breathing Biofeedback, Tools, & Methods

Thought Technology GSR
Click graphic to order Thought Technology GSR unit from Amazon.

Part II dives deeper into the use of biofeedback instruments in combination with Coherent Breathing, specifically Heart Rate Variability (HRV), blood pressure, and galvanic skin response (GSR), these as indicators of autonomic nervous system status and tools we can use to assess and restore balance. (90 minutes.)

 [Prerequisites: the reading of Coherent Breathing – The Definitive Method, familiarity with the SLOW DOWN! CD, familiarity with pulse oximetry, blood pressure assessment, galvanic skin response (GSR), and Heart Rate Variability (HRV).] 

The purchase or use of COHERENCE Valsalva Wave Pro is not required for Part II if one has another HRV instrument.

Thought Technology’s GSR 2 is available on Amazon for ~$75. We will reference this device during Part II.

A Certificate Of Completion will be provided to each participant at the end of Part II.

Individualized 75 minute Part II “Follow Up” sessions are available upon request after completion of Part II. Please request a follow up by purchasing a session. We will be back to you via email to discuss and arrange timing. Thank you.

Coherent Breathing, Part III, Personal Resonance Protocol

Part III employs what we’ve learned in Parts I & II along with COHERENCE Valsalva Wave Pro, the Coherent Breathing Biofeedback instrument developed by Stephen Elliott and partners J&J Engineering.

[Prerequisites: Parts I & II,  personal experience with the instrument Valsalva Wave Pro, and the reading of Personal Resonance Protocol With Valsalva Wave Pro, included with purchase.]

Valsalva Wave Pro is required to complete Part III. This is because Valsalva Wave Pro provides the physiologic evidence of what Coherent Breathing is doing “internally”, i.e. synchronizing the circulatory system with our breathing.

Resonance is defined by Drs. Paul Lehrer and Dr. Evgeny Vaschillo as the theoretical 180 degree phase alignment between the HRV cycle and “the blood pressure wave” created when we breathe. Their measurement approach was to assess HRV plethysmo-graphically and blood pressure oscillometrically, correlating the two to determine their relationship in the time domain.

In 2009, Stephen Elliott (with partner J&J Engineering) produced the first instrument that assesses both HRV and the action of the blood simultaneously with a single plethysmo-graphic sensor (employed at the earlobe). 

Via precise Coherent Breathing and mastery of one’s internal state, one’s “personal best” correlation can be achieved, approaching 180 degree phase correlation, a correlation coefficient of -1.

A Part III Certificate Of Completion will be provided to each participant at the end of Part III.

Individual 75 minute follow up sessions are available upon request after completion of Part III. Please request a follow up by purchasing a session. We will be back to you via email to discuss and arrange timing. Thank you. 

A COHERENT BREATHING CERTIFICATION will be provided for students that have completed Parts I, II, and III.