Herbs & Supplements

After ~20 years of investigation Coherent Breathing is ultimately about optimal circulation: “Breathing is a circulatory function!” The following herbs and supplements have been shown to enhance circulation and consequent effects of Coherent Breathing. Their use can enhance the biometrics that we will be working with in the Certification courses. [Nitric oxide supplementation is in this list due to the pandemic and is not expressly included in the list of supplements that enhance the circulatory effects of Coherent Breathing unless combined with exercise, in which case its use does help enhance Heart Rate Variability amplitude and resonance. If one combines it with exercise we recommend light exercise for 20 minutes resulting is slight perspiration, a sign that fluid exchange is occurring throughout the body.] 

Gaia Hawthorne
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Hawthorne has been known for centuries as a potent heartbeat regulator and vasodilator. I (Stephen Elliott) had been using Hawthorne daily as a dietary supplement to aid digestion for at least a decade (after every meal), before my first encounter with Heart Rate Variability biofeedback, where my initial HRV was smooth and sinusoidal with an HRV of ~36 beats. Since my introduction to HRV, I’ve experimented with my HRV with and without Hawthorne supplementation to find that it adds significantly to both smoothness and amplitude.  [Please consult your doctor or health professional before adding Hawthorne to your regimen.] When it comes to quality and purity we prefer Gaia brand.

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Ginko Biloba leaf is another herb that I (Stephen Elliott) have been using daily for decades, for a long time after every meal, along with Hawthorne. The Ginko Biloba tree is thought to be the last surviving…(ref)

Ginko is also an herb that is credited with improved circulation and heart health, reduced blood pressure, and is credited with  improved brain function.  [Please consult your doctor or health professional before adding Ginko to your regimen.] When it comes to quality and purity we prefer Gaia brand. 

ATP Labs "Synermag": Click image to be directed to ATP Labs.

Every cell in the body needs magnesium to function properly. Magnesium was first prescribed for me by my chiropractor in the 1970s. He described it as “a low threshold muscle motor unit relaxer”. Low threshold muscle motor units are those that respond to very low nervous system potentials. Per Healthline, magnesium has been demonstrated to lower blood pressure in those that have elevated blood pressure. Is this a consequence of relaxation of the low threshold muscle motor units that make up the arterial tree? I take 1 Synermag capsule in the morning and 1 before bed, finding that it helps greatly with restful, refreshing sleep. [Please consult your doctor or health professional before adding Magnesium to your regimen.] When it comes to quality and purity we prefer ATP Labs “Synermag”. COHERENCE has no affiliation with ATP Labs.

ONNIT Nitric Oxide
ONNIT Nitric Oxide: Click To Purchase From Amazon

Nitric oxide in the inhaled breath is currently a major focus of investigation relative to COVID immunity and or severity of infection. Nitric oxide is known to be a potent anti-pathogen, working in combination with the immune system to police inhaled air. Nitric oxide gas is produced both in the paranasal sinuses and by the tongue, such that incoming air is exposed. Nitric oxide is also a signaling molecule produced throughout the circulatory system where it controls dilation of blood vessels in real time down to the smallest of capillaries. When inhaled it facilitates both broncho and vaso dilation in the lungs. However NO only has a life span of 6 seconds so it must be produced by the body on a continuous basis. Nitric oxide is a product of nitrate, the only source of nitrate being diet. This product is produced for exercise and the measuring scoop is a tablespoon or more. At present, I use 1 teaspoon every morning mixed in a small glass of beet juice. Within 30 minutes, this opens up capillary circulation throughout the body, augmenting the circulatory advantage of Coherent Breathing. It does have a stimulating effect (like coffee). We are also very deliberate about eating a diet rich in nitrate. [Please consult your doctor or health professional before adding Nitric Oxide to your regimen.] We prefer ONNIT Nitric Oxide.

Now Super Enzymes
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Yin/Yang Balance Is Critical To Health

Avoiding a yin/yang imbalance is critical to autonomic balance and to health and longevity in general. The human condition is “yin deficiency” and consequently “yang excess”. “Yin” equates directly to “parasympathetic”, where an objective of Coherent Breathing is to restore parasympathetic function. In Traditional Chinese Medical terms, yin deficiency is rooted in erosion of the Earth element. This can occur for two primary reasons over which we have conscious control and participation: 1) excessive activity and insufficient rest, 2) weakened digestion which inhibits absorption of nutrients from our diet, specifically, the “Earth” element. The complexity is that yin deficiency is a compounding matter, i.e. yin deficiency results in the loss of digestive fire, which results in the gradual loss of digestive effectiveness and furthers yin deficiency. We can augment digestive fire by using a digestive enzyme after each meal. When we do this, we are able to extract more nutrition, particularly the subtle nutrition, from our diet. This was Dr. Meng-Sheng Lin’s very first recommendation to me in 1995. I’ve been doing it ever since. We use Now Super Enzymes.