Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi as taught by Yang Cheng Fu and family recommended performing the 108 posture form on both left and right sides, i.e. mirror images. Here Stephen Elliott incorporates both left and right side postures in the same 24 posture sequence.
Cheng-Man Ching said that "all of the principles that one needs to know about Tai Chi are embedded in the practice of Constant Bear".
However, to my knowledge there are no explicit video records or textual instructions by Cheng-Man Ching on precisely how Constant Bear was to be performed.
I discovered this approach to Constant Bear after studying Wuji Qi Gong and Yang Style Tai Chi as taught by Yang Zhen Duo where one is admonished to practice the 108 posture form on both left and right sides.
In doing so, I began to realize the effect that balancing both left and right sides has on the chi and incorporated this into my practice of Constant Bear. Results were immediately apparent.