Coherent Breathing Testimonials

With permission (1-29-2023).

– “Everything measurable in the lab is optimized by Coherent Breathing, from heart rate variability to brain function, to alpha waves – all of it. And it stays optimized for hours after just 10 minutes of Coherent Breathing.” Dr. Richard Brown, M.D. (From Wake Up To Sleep, by Charlie Morely, with permission of the author.)

-“Through most of my adult life, I’ve always taken considerable care of myself, but at 70 years old, my usual methods of mental, spiritual and physical health were not keeping up with the building stress and anxiety of the last decade. Thankfully, I discovered your website when researching alternative therapies.  I can’t tell you how much Coherent Breathing and The Six Bridges have helped me, especially in such a surprisingly short period of time (just a few months).  I wasn’t suicidal, but I also truly couldn’t see how I would make it to the end of my life with any semblance of sanity, much less peace or joy.  I actually dreaded the dawn of each new day. That has completely changed in the last few months, even though life’s challenges still remain.  Being able to access an inner sense of peace and calm, and knowing I have this resource available to me at any moment has been life saving and allowed me to start replenishing my emotional reserves again. I can’t tell you the joy I feel when occasionally in the middle of the day, I realize I am actually breathing coherently without conscious effort and feeling the peace and calm that comes with it.  What a miraculous joy!  Beyond that, one of the biggest benefits is that, for most of the last decade, I would wake up in the middle of the night with an immediate sense of anxiety, fear, and impending doom.  Now, when I wake in the night, I simply immediately tune in to the continuous track playing and do my breathing exercise until I fall asleep again.  So simple, so easy, so accessible, and so LIFE CHANGING!!!  And, perhaps a good suggestion for others that struggle during the night.” January, 29th, 2023.

– “I just coached my 93 year old woman Mother-In-Love to do Coherent Breathing through using the biofeedback tool RESPeRATE. She dropped her baseline breath rate from 15 breaths per minute to 5 or less breaths per minute during her 1st session and she felt great.  She continues to use Coherent Breathing and the RESPeRate biofeedback tool to re-balance & refuel. This stuff (Coherent Breathing) never stops amazing me, no matter HOW MANY 1000s of times I’ve seen it help people.” Beth Abrams, M.D.

– “As a New York City principal and educator I have observed a significant increase in levels of stress and sleep deprivation over the last decade. By most accounts this is a result of an overuse and abuse of technology.

At our high school we have allocated space for mindfulness and yoga, and recently incorporated Coherent Breathing in all of our advisory classes.  The approach is secular, simple, and produces immediate and profound results, helping students slow down, relax, and focus.  I would highly recommend the practice from kindergarten.” Kevin Froner, PhD., Principal, “NYC”

“One sees Alpha amplitude increase instantly – with a single first Coherent Breath.”    Dr. Elsa Baehr, PhD., “Chicago”

– I’ve been engaged in a breathwork practice since 2018, having trained with Dan Brule. One of the significant aspects to working with Dan was how he introduced me to multiple breathing approaches, which included Coherent Breathing.  Of all the styles, patterns and techniques, Coherent Breathing has had the most profound effect for me.  It has been my primary practice during my day. May 2nd, 2021

– I recently purchased your “Six Bridges” and have been doing it for 21 days now, twice a day as instructed. I cannot tell you how remarkable I am experiencing it to be. I have a lifetime of heightened vigilance/anxiety, high stress levels, window of tolerance/ resilience difficulties, etc. I practice yoga, somatic meditation, and yoga nidra to relax. However, since doing  “Six Bridges” I feel as though for the first time in my life I am not only aware of the massive habitual tension I am holding, I find I am beginning to experience a sense that I am letting go profoundly, right down to the cellular level. So much so that I have found myself weeping with relief while doing the exercise. I wanted to share that I am most incredibly grateful for this gift.    May 2nd, 2021.-