• July 27th, 2019 – COHERENCE announces the move from to
• June 16th, 2019 – COHERENCE announces availability of the new product Coherent Breathing Valsalva Wave Trainer, an audio visual product that trains subtle sinusoidal diaphragm motion. Sinusoidal motion is important for Valsalva Wave amplitude.
• June 16th, 2016 – COHERENCE announces supply of The Veterans Administration with RESPIRE-1. COHERENCE is pleased to be a non-profit supporter of the Veterans Administration.
• May 7th, 2016 – COHERENCE announces availability of Valsalva Wave Pro 2.0 optimized for Personal Resonance Protocol. Release of the eBook Personal Resonance Protocol, a guide for practitioners.
• February 8th, 2016 – COHERENCE announces publication of Personal Resonance Protocol, a users guide for determining “personal resonant frequency” using COHERENCE Valsalva Wave Pro.
• April 12th, 2011– COHERENCE is awarded US Patent #7922664: Method And System For Improving Physiologic Status And Health Via Assessment Of The Dynamic Respiratory Arterial Pressure Wave Using The Plethysmographic Technique.
This patent specifies the method and system of monitoring and feedback of the respiratory arterial pressure wave in biofeedback applications. It is a primary aspect of the intellectual property underlying COHERENCE Valsalva Wave Pro and BreatheHeart biofeedback instruments.
CHICAGO, Feb. 17, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — The method represented in the Coherence L.L.C. patent integrates the measurement of a respiratory arterial pressure wave (a blood wave that rises and falls with exhalation and inhalation) into conventional blood pressure readings to provide healthcare professionals and users with diagnostic information regarding breathing effectiveness and its effect on systemic blood pressure.
• December 9th, 2010 – COHERENCE announces the notice of allowance of patent application 11/732,819: Method And System For Improving Physiologic Status And Health Via Assessment Of The Dynamic Respiratory Arterial Pressure Wave Using The Plethysmographic Technique
This patent specifies the method and system of monitoring and feedback of the respiratory arterial pressure wave in biofeedback applications. It is a primary aspect of the intellectual property underlying COHERENCE Valsalva Wave Pro and BreatheHeart biofeedback instruments.
• November 13th, 2010 – COHERENCE announces the release of BreatheHeart:
BreatheHeart is a new COHERENCE product for monitoring and training Coherent Breathing and heart rate variability. Employing COHERENCE intellectual property, BreatheHeart facilitates synchrony of breathing with the heart rate variability cycle such that the heart rate synchronizes with the blood wave produced by breathing.
• May 11th, 2010 – COHERENCE LLC is awarded US Patent #7713212: Method and system for consciously synchronizing the breathing cycle with the natural heart rate cycle.
This patent generates biofeedback signals at heart rate peaks and valleys and instructs the user to exhale at peaks and inhale at valleys.
This method of training results in conscious synchrony of breathing with the autonomic response to breathing, i.e. rising and falling blood volume. In this way we are able to synchronize conscious somatic action of the body with the unconscious autonomic activity, yielding optimal coherence and homeostasis.
• March 13, 2010 – Port-au-Prince Haiti, Global Grassroots offers program for PTSD to earthquake survivors. See Global Grassroots
• October, 2010: Coherent Breathing In The Sudan – Ellen Ratner, author and news commentator, representing Christian Solidarity International visited The Sudan to assist in their program of helping to free the people from the trauma and oppression of the 22 year civil war. Click the image to view the video.
• September 20th, 2009 – COHERENCE Announces The Release of Valsalva Wave Pro:
Valsalva Wave Pro, the first instrument of its kind, allows monitoring and training of the blood volume wave, “the Valsalva Wave” that issues and returns to the lungs with every cycle of respiration.
Breathing induced heart rate variability cycle is the autonomic response to this wave.
• December 2, 2008 – COHERENCE LLC is awarded US Patent #7458937: Method and system for assessing breathing effectiveness via assessment of the dynamic arterial pressure wave using the oscillometric measurement technique.
This patent asserts the method of detection and measurement of the respiratory arterial pressure wave during oscillometric blood pressure measurement. In this way, the user or health professional can determine the magnitude of the pressure wave (1-30 mmHg) and counsel the client to improve their breathing in order to reduce their systemic blood pressure. (The invention assumes that the primary cause of essential hypertension is sub-optimal breathing and the general absense of the respiratory arterial pressure wave component in most adults.)
• March 25, 2008 – COHERENCE LLC is awarded US Patent #7349194: Method and system for electrically connecting the human organism to Earth so as to facilitate an electrical current between the human biopotential and earth for the purpose of promoting health, well-being, and performance.
This patent asserts that the human organism desires electrical connectedness to Earth and that varying the connectivity between the body and Earth results in variation of the internal impedance of the human body such that current flow between the body and Earth can modulated – current flow peaking at ~200 ohms, this representing the human body’s “characteristic impedance”. (Note that this patent specifies ~470 ohms, but this was later determined to be incorrect, the error being due to using the AC electrical ground vs. a dedicated biological ground. This error is thought to be a function of noise from the AC power grid being coupled into the system and the measurement. Please see this document for more explanation:
• December 25, 2007 – COHERENCE LLC is awarded US Patent #7311658: Method and system providing a fundamental musical interval for heart rate variability synchronization.
This patent describes musical intervals that comply with a fundamental interval of 5.88 seconds, around which “music to breathe to” can be composed.