Books By Stephen Elliott & Others


Coherent Breathing – The Master Package (Download): Includes the eBooks: The New Science Of Breath, Coherent Breathing – The Definitive Method, & Personal Resonance Protocol, and CDs: RESPIRE-1, The Six Bridges & Slow Down! This is a soft copy of all media in a .zip file download. A $200 value when purchased separately.

Coherent Breathing - The Basics


This new downloadable package includes The New Science Of Breath,  the complete RESPIRE-1 CD, and the complete The Six Bridges CD, the book and two CDs supporting the fundamentals of Coherent Breathing as originally outlined in The New Science Of Breath (2005). It’s everything you need to get started with your wholistic practice of Coherent Breathing.

$24.95 each when purchased separately, the soft copy package offers a 20% savings with no shipping or handling expense. Price: $47.95,  ~230MB download. DOWNLOADS ARE THE ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY CHOICE 🙂

The hard copy package contains the physical book The New Science Of Breath, the RESPIRE-1 CD, and The Six Bridges CD, a retail value of $75, but only $59.95 plus $7.50 shipping when purchased together.



A high resolution poster developed for COHERENCE Practitioners but it is available to everyone. It can be downloaded in soft copy or printed in 8.5 x 11 or plotted in Architectural A, D, or E size. It is best printed on glossy paper.

The poster describes the breathing process and related circulatory changes that occur as the diaphragm moves down, then up, completing 1 cycle of breathing.

Designed to be viewed in high definition with Adobe Reader.

La fisiologia de la resonancia – $19.95

Un póster de alta resolución desarrollado para los profesionales de COHERENCE, pero disponible para todo el mundo. Puede descargarse en versión electrónica o imprimirse en tamaño 8,5 x 11 o trazado en formato A, D o E. Es mejor imprimirlo en papel satinado.
El póster describe el proceso de respiración y los cambios circulatorios relacionados que se producen cuando el diafragma se mueve hacia abajo y luego hacia arriba, completando 1 ciclo de respiración.

Diseñado para verse en alta definición con Adobe Reade.


Coherent Breathing - Personal Resonance Protocol by Stephen Elliott

Personal Resonance Protocol eBook. (2016) 

In this much awaited work, Stephen Elliott describes the end-to-end protocol and process used to determine individual resonant frequency using COHERENCE biofeedback instrument Valsalva Wave Pro.  

Introduced in 2009, Valsalva Wave Pro employs Elliott patent #7922664 to detect both heart rate and respiratory arterial pressure wave with a single plethysmographic clip. Individual resonance cannot be determined by HRV alone. Determining resonance requires that both heart rate and the action of the blood be detected and correlated in real time. This correlation is the basis of COHERENCE instrument’s “Resonance Curve” (an indication of resonance). 38 pages.

Price $59.95. (Plus sales tax- Texas residents only.) 

FREE with the  purchase of Valsalva Wave Pro.


The new Science Of Breath by Stephen Elliott with Dee Edmonson, R.N.

2nd Edition- Paperback with RESPIRE-1 CD (2006) Includes the CD, Respire 1- The New Science of Breath.

In 1905 The Yogi Publication Society published Yogi Ramacharaka’s “Science of Breath” which to this day remains his most popular and respected work. 100 years later, Stephen Elliott, life scientist, inventor, and accomplished student of Eastern yogic and martial arts, asserts a “new science of breath”.

The New Science of Breath introduces “Coherent Breathing”, a specific breathing modality that promotes autonomic nervous system balance and cardiopulmonary resonance. Autonomic balance yields peace of mind, well being, and enhanced biological function.

Price: $34.95 plus $5.95 packing & shipping. (See CD above.) (Plus sales tax Texas residents only.) A $5 charge will added for international orders. 

Over 10,000 copies sold. See reviews 

Coherent Breathing - The Definitive Method by Stephen Elliott with Dee Edmonson, R.N.

Coherent Breathing – the Definitive Method – Theory & Practice 

Elliott and Edmonson further their novel “science of breath” with this new contribution, Coherent Breathing – The Definitive Method – Theory & Practice. Written as a companion to The New Science of Breath, Coherent Breathing – The Definitive Method peels away the next few layers of mystery regarding the role of breathing in health, well-being, performance, and longevity. With a major expansion on the relationship between respiration, blood flow, heart rate variability (HRV), and autonomic nervous system balance, plus for the first time, a comprehensive presentation of ” The 12 Tenets of Coherent Breathing” 

It is sure to be of interest to practicer and clinician. 230 pages, full color, text/workbook format.

Soft Copy: $24.95

Paperback: $45.00 plus $9.95 packing & shipping. (Plus sales tax-Texas residents only.) A $10 charge will added to international orders. 

Wuji Qi Gong And The Secret Of Immorality by Stephen Elliott & Dr. Meng-Sheng, Lin, OMD.

In This short and unusal work, Elliott and Dr. Meng-Sheng Lin put forward a practical and philosophical discussion of a very ancient Taoist practice for promoting health, well-being, and longevity that they refer to as “Wuji” Qi Gong.

The practice of Wuji Qi Gong involves “integration” of the four primordial elements, Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, in effect redordering the elements in man such that they promote life vs. consume it, the outcome being health, vitality, and longevity, vs. decay and death.

If you are familiar with Elliott’s other works, you may be wondering what this has to do with breathing… The answer is that Wuji Qi Gong is about learning to breathe in harmony with Heaven and Earth.

Price: $19.95 plus $3.95 packing & shipping. (Plus sales tax- Texas residents only.) A $5 charge will be added to international orders. 

Recommended Books by Other Authors

Wujishi Breathing Exercise by Cai Songfang.

This is the book that resulted in Elliott and Dr. Meng-Sheng Lin publishing Wuji Qi Gong And The Secret Of Immortality 15 years later.

Neurofeedback and Self-Regulation In ADHD by Werner Van den Bergh, M.D., 2nd Edition.

NEUROFEEDBACK AND State Regulation In ADHD by Werner Van den Bergh, M.D. 2nd Edition. Originally published in Dutch, Dr. Van den Bergh offers a compelling synthesis of the latest research on ADHD and neurofeedback. He argues that what is often perceived as a deficiency of will power is in actuality a matter of dysfunctional state regulation and its result – poor self control. Van den Bergh explores the state of the art in the use of EEG neurofeedback to mitigate deviant brainwave behavior and restore normal state regulation and self-governance. A BMED Press publication.

260 pages.

Price: $69.99 plus $9.95 packing & shipping. (Plus sales tax – Texas residents only.) A $5 charge will be added for international orders.