Stephen Elliott's New York Times Comment on Vivek Murthy Article
Stephen Elliott's comment on Dr. Vivek Murthy's NYT article of August 28th.
Coherent Breathing's iconic 2 Bells.
The New Science Of Breath 2nd Edition
The New Science Of Breath Published 100 Years After Yogi Ramacharaka's Science Of Breath Is Where Coherent Breathing Was Introduced To The World And It Remains The Coherent Breathing Benchmark. The Book Includes The CD RESPIRE-1. $24.95 minus 20%. Plus Free Shipping. Also now in soft copy. See Books.
COHERENCE Valsalva Wave Pro with Personal Resonance Protocol 20% off thru Sept. 30th.
Stephen Elliott
Stephen Elliott, President, COHERENCE LLC. Originator of The Coherent Breathing method.

Mary Lu Brandwein’s incredible shakuhachi piece “Kyorei” (Suchness) plays in concert with COHERENCE’s iconic “2 Bells”, for a Coherent Breathing audio meditation like no other.

Click here to purchase in .mp3 format.

Coherent Breathing® is a form of resonant breathing introduced by Stephen Elliott of COHERENCE LLC in 2005, coincident with the publication of The New Science Of Breath – Coherent Breathing for Health, Well-being, Performance & Longevity. The protocol involves breathing at the nominal rate of 5 breaths per minute and relaxation of The Six Bridges, 6 anatomical zones over which we explicit “dual-control”.

Breathing Is A Circulatory Function. In This YouTube Video Stephen Elliott Explains Variation In Blood Pressure & Correlation With The Valsalva Wave.

COHERENT BREATHING is an evolving science: The current understanding is that benefits are ultimately an outcome of improved brain function via enhanced circulation in the brain, this, and care and feeding of every cell in the body estimated at 100T, a major concern of the autonomic nervous system. The diaphragm is controlled by the phrenic nerve which emanates from the brain at cervical vertebrae C3-C5. The phrenic nerve is the single nerve that is responsible for both motor and sensory control of the diaphragm. Upward and downward motion of the diaphragm pumps blood from the extremities upon inhalation to the chest, and upon exhalation to the brain and extremities – when we are breathing with depth and rhythmicity, i.e. Coherent Breathing. 

We hold that brain function is the principal impetus for breathing consciously and that conscious “Coherent Breathing” is the foundation for living consciously. When we employ Coherent Breathing, the nervous system inclusive of the brain swings back and forth between sympathetic and parasympathetic emphasis with each inhalation and exhalation, respectively, the net effect being “balance”. This is thought to be a function of the Valsalva Wave entering the brain during exhalation and exiting the brain via inhalation, ultimately a consequence of the diaphragm moving upward and downward during exhalation and inhalation. The existence of this wave in the brain was confirmed in 2013 using both electroencephalography and hemoencepha-lography. (See Articles.)

When the body is erect it is a column of fluid experiencing the force of gravity. Hence the imperative to breathe, it pumps blood upward from the legs upon inhalation and upward to the brain upon exhalation. When we are asleep, it moves blood and compels fluids throughout the system to flow, cleansing and refreshing all the cells in the brain and body, where only 12% of fluid in the body is blood, the remainder being cellular, extracellular, lymph, CNS, and other specialized fluids that are dependent on the action of blood to move.

I oppose the present belief structure around Heart Rate Variability (HRV). A new age pseudo-mysticism has been constructed around the phenomenon of HRV that is fanciful. Instead COHERENCE promotes purposeful use of consciousness to employ the phrenic nerve to move the diaphragm in a rhythmic manner that promotes optimal circulation, improving brain function and nourishing every cell in the body in a positive feedback loop.  This can be observed with Valsalva Wave Pro, the formal biofeedback instrument that supports Coherent Breathing and Personal Resonance Protocol

So how does one go about “Coherent Breathing”? This is the purpose of this site. In our collective experience, the only way one can understand it is to try it, which is the central approach defined in the protocol and of those that teach Coherent Breathing. Twenty minutes of Coherent Breathing a single time will convince – or not. It is not unlike learning anything else, e.g. optimal posture. Much more exists on this site as to why and how this works, starting with the graphic below.

Stephen Elliott, Founder and President, Coherence LLC

Coherent Breathing Model Of Cardio-Pulmonary-Circulatory Physiology

Coherent Breathing Model Of Circulatory System

Coherent Breathing Model Of The Circulatory System. (Copyright 2022.)

When we breathe with depth and rhythmicity it results in fluid exchange throughout the body.
The average adult body has 42L of fluid of which only 5L is blood, yet, blood flow and pressures exerted
via diaphragm motion and the heart beat result in the flow of the remaining 37L of fluid.

When we fail to breathe with depth and rhythmicity, the burden of circulation falls to the heart alone
and the wave action in the capillary circulation "flattens", i.e. all we see is a constant heartbeat rate - with little variability.

Blood At Earlobe When Breathing Coherently

Popular COHERENCE Products That Support The Practice Of COHERENT BREATHING

Richard P. Brown, M.D. Associate Clinical Professor in Psychiatry Columbia University, NY Integrative Psychiatrist, clinician-researcher, qigong, yoga, meditation, and martial arts teacher developed BREATH-BODY-MIND™.
Patricia Gerbarg, M.D. Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychiatry New York Medical College Harvard-trained Psychiatrist, clinician-researcher, writer, teaches neuroscience, integrates BREATH-BODY-MIND™ with psychotherapy.

Coherent Breathing owes much of its success to those that have taken up the “mission”, to spread healthful breathing far and wide.  I have many colleagues that deserve praise in this mission including foremostly: 

Dolores Edmonson, RN, BCIAC-EEG, partnered with me to validate Coherent Breathing’s effects on clients for several years before its publication. Without Dee’s help none of this would have seen the light of day. This, as Dee provided the broad clinical evidence of it’s efficacy and it’s simultaneous effects on EEG, hand temperature, electro-dermal response, and Heart Rate Variability (HRV). Dee is a pioneer in employing multiple simultaneous forms of biofeedback with her clients, in combination with Coherent Breathing. ( 

Right behind her, to whom she introduced me, Stephen Larsen, PhD. and Professor Emeritus, SUNY.  Stephen and I met at midnight in the lobby of the Atlanta hotel that was hosting ISNR in 2006. He was just arriving from India where he had been for a week with Guru Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, doing Art Of Living.  We exchanged books and a week later he requested a dozen more copies. 

At the same conference, I sat down with Dr. Bob Grove of J&J Engineering to chat. Bob told me that he and Jan Hoover had read The New Science Of Breath and were convinced of the theory. A few months later I received a call from Bob to come to California to prototype the instrument. Of course, I could not resist the offer and was there within a few days. I spent about a week there and left with a working prototype and much research to do. That research took me another 2 years and resulted in what I have branded as Valsalva Wave Pro, the only instrument that assesses both Blood Action (Valsalva Wave) and Heart Rate (HRV) at the same time with a single ear clip!

I first met Dr. Tato Sokhadze at ISNR. Turns out that his office was a mile from my father’s home in Louisville, Kentucky, “Tato” working for The University Of Louisville School Of Medicine. When I was visiting my Dad I would always call ahead so Tato and I could spend some time talking about life science. Together we hatched “The Search For The Wave In The Brain”, a collaborative effort between he and I over about a 2 year period. And we found it. Please read about that effort here.

Stephen Larsen introduced me to Drs. Brown and Gerbarg, both integrative MDs, psychiatrists, and professors at Columbia and UNY. Drs. Brown and Gerbarg took up the mantle of Coherent Breathing and have been a primary force in globalization of the method. They have used it far and wide in humanitarian relief efforts including the Veteran’s Administration. COHERENCE LLC has supported those initiatives on a non-profit basis via customized websites and the provision of Coherent Breathing compact disc products. 

I also express my gratitude to Dr. Beth Abrams for her tireless efforts in teaching Coherent Breathing within the VA. 

Also to Dr. Wilfried Ehrmann for spreading the word in the European community.

I’d like to thank The Dallas Zoo for affording me a chance of a lifetime to instrument Jade, a female giraffe. In the first 5 minutes, I got the record I’d hoped for. Please read about that research here: Jade.

Lastly, I’d like to express my gratitude to Coherent Breathing artist Cecily Corazon, who has narrated my articles for a number of years. She was a lovely person. On April 6, 2019 she lost her life to gun violence. (SE)


“As a New York City principal and educator I have observed a significant increase in levels of stress and sleep deprivation over the last decade. By most accounts this is a result of an overuse and abuse of technology.

At our high school we have allocated space for mindfulness and yoga, and recently incorporated Coherent Breathing in all of our advisory classes.  The approach is secular, simple, and produces immediate and profound results, helping students slow down, relax, and focus.  I would highly recommend the practice from kindergarten.”

Kevin Froner, PhD., Principal, “NYC”


“One sees Alpha amplitude increase instantly – with a single first Coherent Breath.”

Dr. Elsa Baehr, PhD., “Chicago”





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